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Privacy Policy


To hold data in accordance with good practice standards of personal data security. Data is not encrypted. Cheltenham Vocal Academy aims to protect people’s privacy and to make sure that personal data is not shared indiscriminately. This includes addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Cheltenham Vocal Academy has a duty to ensure that all information which could identify individuals is held securely and used only for specific, agreed purposes.

This policy describes how Cheltenham Vocal Academy will handle personal data so as to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as of 25th May 2018.

Who Holds Your Data
The Head of School (Data Protection Officer) and administration staff are responsible for holding personal data of students in accordance with good practice standards. Cheltenham Vocal Academy is aware of the importance of data security and with this in mind will treat personal data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it. Access to your personal data is password-protected. Cheltenham Vocal Academy will make sure that data is up to date and any old data is destroyed.

What is Your Data Used For
Cheltenham Vocal Academy only uses personal data for the specific purposes of Cheltenham Vocal Academy for which its students intend it and for which would have a minimal privacy impact, for example, receiving information about lesson times, receiving invoices etc and for the purposes of specific consents which it receives for the sending and receipt of information.

Cheltenham Vocal Academy does not release anyone’s personal data to any other person without the specific consent of the first person obtained by request to a designated data holder and without that data holder asking for and receiving consent of the first person to release it to the person requesting. Cheltenham Vocal Academy does not send open address emails, that is an email sent to more than one person at the same time where the email address of one intended recipient is visible to another, unless consent has been given to do so (i.e. group information).

Marketing / Publicity
Cheltenham Vocal Academy sends publicity material to students and other people who have asked to receive the school's publicity material, either via a sign-up sheet at an event, through the sign-up form on this website, or through a direct request to the school.

Right to Withdraw
All persons receiving publicity material may unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of all publicity emails.  You may also unsubscribe by informing the Head of School, Aidan Smith, by either contacting the Academy directly on

2023 by Cheltenham Vocal Academy. Website Design @GLUE Social

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